In our new 'Infotheca' subsection we are going to publish materials, information and technical documentation for architects and designers. Documents on Protan waterproofing systems (Norway) are already available. Logo Emimar LV 152x80
Construction works at the "Baltic Logistic Solutions" facility are drawing to a close (General contractor: Bukoteks). This site can be considered our biggest roofing project in 2014: its total area of roofing amounts to nearly 40,000 m2. sanitex feb01 152x80

In the subsection "Useful Articles" published two new notes: First bracket for ventilated façade systems (VFS) made of thermoplastic Ultramid for the construction industry and A new generation of facade panels introduced by Nichiha (Japan). Logo Emimar LV 152x80
At the final match in Group B team Latvia won confidently team Estonia 8 to 3 and became the winner in Group B at Bandy World Championship. Emimar provided financial support for the Latvian national team. bendi emimar 152x80

Another construction project is drawing to its end in Vangaži (Riga District). We are referring to a paint shop reconstruction. Project's General Contractor: IZOTERMS SIA. Izoterms Vangazhi 152x80